
From confusion to clarity


Audiences are back, brands are open for business and Black Friday and the Holiday season is just around the corner. Times are different. The Covid 19 pandemic caused significant changes, especially those relating to marketing, advertising and communication. This study aims to determine the prospects and impact on brands for Black Friday and the upcoming Holiday Season in the pandemic period and develop the key drivers to focus on during these different times.

Time of disruption is here.


Ad Board Study Objectives

    • Identify shoppers’ overall shopping attitudes, processes and habits, pre- and post-COVID.
    • How their behaviour changed, and how Out of Home (OOH) can play a key part in reaching them, so you can plan your Black Friday Activity and Christmas Out of Home activity with confidence.
    • Identify shoppers’ ideal shopping environment, both online and offline, both pre- and post-COVID
    • Identify the reasons shoppers choose to use particular shopping destinations, either online or offline.
    • Trace perceptions regarding various advertising channels and measure their effectiveness towards guiding customers to make purchase decisions, either online or offline.

Shopping in Consumers’ Life

    • Shopping is not a hobby.
    • Overall, Shopping is perceived as a fun part in their lives.
    • Most consumers said that they plan big purchases meticulously and make sure to compare prices and terms and conditions of purchase.
    • Shopping helps respondents socialize, as they shop with friends (younger ages) or family (older ages).

General shopping frequency and average spending by demographic


How is shopping planned?

  • More than 50% buy products more spontaneously than planned.
  •  All generations(but Gen Z & Millenials) buy their products offline
  • For expensive purchases shoppers compare prices online on different websites
  • BF
  • Xmas
  • BF
  • Xmas
  • BF
  • Xmas

Black Friday Expenditure by Product type

  • Average Spending
  • Technology
  • Clothing
  • Other

Black Friday Awareness Level

  • Aware of BF (74%)
  • Not aware of BF(26%)

Christmas commencement VS Shopping Period

         Christmas period Commencement

  • November
  • December

            Christmas Shopping period

  • November
  • December

89% Feel like Christmas is very important to them

75% Feel like Christmas is as important to the one of last year

Media and Advertising: Ad types

Offline is much stronger than Online

Online ads

  • The influence of online ads is stronger among younger ages
  • Overall channel attitudes are mostly damaged by intrusiveness.
  • Marketers prefer more intrusive formats such as online

Outdoor displays

  • The influence of outdoor displays is stronger among older ages
  • Younger aged groups described such ads as somehow old fashioned,but effective
  • All ages agreed that the way of display matters

Tv & Radio

  • The influence of TV& Radio ads is strong among older age groups and all respondents when they can relate to products of interest
  • Younger aged groups descibed such ads as influential when it comes to gadgets & clothing discounts

Mall ads

  • The influence of Mall Ads is strong amongst all age groups
  • The influence of Mall ads was equally relevant to all groups
  • 71% of consumers criticized excessive online frequency
  • Offline channels dominate the overall ranking of the purchasing decision
  • Brand and activation are important in the consumer journey | Brand + Activation = Win
  • 4 out of 10 Believe that indoor and outdoor media are important in the purchasing decision
  • Overall media attitudes are damaged by intrusiveness.Marketers need to understand how to best blend better specific and formats effectiveness towards guiding customers to make purchase decisions, either online or offline.

Importance of media ideas on source of purchase for Christmas
